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Climate Change Fallout Blocks Route to Rwenzori Peaks

Climate Change Fallout Blocks Route to Rwenzori Peaks


Glaciers on the top of the Mountains of the Moon, aka Rwenzori Mountains, have shrunk considerably since the peaks were first climbed over a hundred years ago, and since satellite surveillance and mapping has started to provide detailed records, part of the progressive disappearance of the equatorial icecaps also seen on Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt.

Mount Rwenzori Peak is Blocked

Mount Rwenzori Peak is Blocked


The remaining ice cap on Mountain Rwenzori covering Margherita has split, creating a crevasse of 6 meters, according to the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). Note that Mountain Rwenzori has about 6 peaks but Margherita is its highest and most popular the world over. It provides a unique experience to mountain climbers. Moses Mapes, UWA boss