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Trekking the Rwenzori Mountains via the Bukurungu trail is an exciting adventure that offers stunning scenery and a chance to experience the unique biodiversity of the region. Here’s a guide to help you plan a budget trekking experience along the new route of Bukurungu trail that offers off the usual path experience while in the mountains of the moon: 

Research and Preparation:

Research the Bukurungu trail, including its length, difficulty level, and the attractions along the way. Make sure it matches your fitness level and trekking experience.

Check the weather conditions and best times to trek. The dry seasons (December to February and June to August) are generally recommended for trekking in Rwenzori National Park.

Make a checklist of essential trekking gear such as sturdy hiking boots, waterproof clothing, a backpack, sleeping bag, and camping equipment. Rent or purchase any items you don’t already have. 

Obtain Permits and Permissions:

Obtain permits for trekking in Rwenzori National Park. Contact the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) or visit their website for information on permit fees and how to obtain them.

You can also book the permit through a trusted tour operator such as our company.

If you plan to camp along the trail, ensure you have the necessary permits from the park authorities. 


Arrange transportation to the trailhead in Rwenzori Mountains National Park. This may involve taking a bus or private taxi from Kampala to Fort Portal, and then onward to Kasese or Nyakalengija, depending on where the Bukurungu trail starts. 


Choose budget-friendly accommodation options in Kasese or Nyakalengija before and after your trek. Consider guesthouses, hostels, or budget hotels in the area.

If you plan to camp along the trail, bring your camping equipment or rent it locally. Camping in designated campsites is often more budget-friendly than staying in lodges or huts.

Bukurungu TrailGuides and Porters:

While it’s not always mandatory, hiring a local guide is highly recommended for safety and navigation, especially in the rugged terrain of Rwenzori National Park. Guides can also provide valuable insights into the flora, fauna, and culture of the region.

Hiring porters to carry your gear can make the trek more manageable, especially if you’re carrying heavy loads. Negotiate rates with guides and porters in advance to ensure transparency and fairness.

Food and Supplies:

        Stock up on food and supplies in Kasese or Nyakalengija before starting your trek. Pack lightweight, high-energy snacks and meals that are easy to prepare.

Bring a water purification system or water purification tablets to ensure access to safe drinking water along the trail.


Safety and Health:

        Make sure you have adequate travel insurance that covers trekking and medical emergencies.

Get any necessary vaccinations and consult your doctor about malaria prophylaxis and other health considerations before traveling to Uganda.

Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of altitude sickness and take necessary precautions, such as acclimatizing gradually and staying hydrated.


Leave No Trace:

Practice Leave No Trace principles to minimize your impact on the environment. Pack out all trash and waste, and follow park regulations regarding camping and waste disposal.

By following these steps and planning ahead, you can enjoy a memorable budget trekking experience along the Bukurungu trail in Rwenzori Mountains National Park.

 Below is a suggested 5 day itinerary Rwenzori trekking via the Bukurungu trail.

 Trekking the Rwenzori Mountains via the Bukurungu trail for 5 days is an exhilarating adventure, offering a glimpse into the stunning landscapes and diverse ecosystems of the region. Here’s a suggested itinerary for a 5-day trek along the Bukurungu trail:


Day 1: Nyakalengija to Nyabitaba Camp

Day 2: Nyabitaba Camp to John Matte Camp

Day 3: John Matte Camp to Bujuku Hut

Day 4: Bujuku Hut to Elena Hut (Optional Summit Attempt)

Day 5: Elena Hut to Nyakalengija


Detailed itinerary.

Day 1: Nyakalengija to Nyabitaba Camp

Start your trek from Nyakalengija trailhead, where you’ll register and meet your guide and porters. The trail initially passes through montane forest, gradually ascending to Nyabitaba Camp (2,651 meters). Along the way, enjoy views of the surrounding valleys and waterfalls. Dinner and overnight at Nyabitaba camp.

    Distance: Approximately 8-10 kilometers

    Duration: 5-7 hours


Day 2: Nyabitaba Camp to John Matte Camp

Depart Nyabitaba Camp and continue your ascent through the forest, crossing the Bujuku River via a series of bridges. The trail then climbs steeply through bamboo and heather zones before reaching John Matte Camp (3,414 meters). Keep an eye out for wildlife such as primates and birds.

    Distance: Approximately 11-13 kilometers

    Duration: 6-8 hours


Day 3: John Matte Camp to Bujuku Hut

Today’s trek takes you through the scenic Bigo Bog, characterized by its unique plant life including giant lobelias and heathers. The trail climbs steadily to Lake Bujuku, where you’ll find Bujuku Hut (3,962 meters) nestled on the shore of the lake. Enjoy breathtaking views of Mount Stanley and Mount Speke.

    Distance: Approximately 4-6 kilometers

    Duration: 4-6 hours


Day 4: Bujuku Hut to Elena Hut (Optional Summit Attempt)

For those interested in summiting Mount Stanley’s peaks, today involves an optional early morning ascent to the summit of Mount Speke or Mount Baker, accompanied by experienced guides and porters. Alternatively, you can explore the surrounding area or relax at Bujuku Hut. In the afternoon, continue to Elena Hut (4,541 meters), where you will  spend the night.

 Distance: Approximately 4-5 kilometers (to Elena Hut)

  Duration: 4-6 hours (to Elena Hut).


Day 5: Elena Hut to Nyakalengija

The final day of your trek involves a long descent back to Nyakalengija trailhead. Retrace your steps through the various vegetation zones, enjoying the changing landscapes one last time. Upon reaching Nyakalengija, bid farewell to your guides and porters before departing for your next destination.

 Distance: Approximately 16-18 kilometers

  Duration: 8-10 hours

 The itinerary includes.








The itinerary excludes.


Alcoholic drinks.

Entry visas.

This itinerary provides a balanced mix of challenging trekking, stunning scenery, and opportunities to acclimatize to the altitude. However, please note that trekking in the Rwenzori Mountains can be physically demanding and altitude sickness is a risk, so it’s essential to listen to your body, stay hydrated, and communicate any concerns with your guide. Additionally, weather conditions in the mountains can be unpredictable, so be prepared for changes and pack accordingly.